Circuit de Mettet - Jules Tacheny

Great inauguration of the organ at Saint-Jean-Baptiste church in Mettet

19 June 2024

As part of its centenary celebrations, the R.U.M.E.S.M club (Royal Union Motor entre Sambre et Meuse) is delighted to present a further demonstration of its attachment to its local community with the restoration of the organ in the Saint-Jean-Baptiste church in Mettet.

Built in 1863, this remarkable instrument from the Merklin factory had fallen into disrepair. It was during the funeral of his mother, Madame Claudine Tacheny, that Freddy Tacheny, president of the R.U.M.E.S.M., met the parish organist and the organ’s destiny was to take a new turn, a renaissance.

The restoration work, entirely financed by the R.U.M.E.S.M Club, which wanted to reaffirm its support for the commune of Mettet in preserving its heritage, lasted over a year. Thanks to the meticulous work carried out by the organ builder, Marchand, the organ has now been restored to its former glory.

Freddy Tacheny (President of the R.U.M.E.S.M): “We’re celebrating our 100th anniversary and we wanted to mark the occasion with a project that would have a lasting impact on our community. That’s why the board of trustees and I have decided to take on the restoration of the church organ, so that this remarkable instrument can be restored to its former glory. To hear it once again resonate with all its brilliance is for us a moment of great emotion, and, we hope, of shared emotion”.

Yves Delforge (Mayor of Mettet): “This is a very proud day for our municipality. As well as marking the culmination of a long renovation project, the inauguration of this organ marks not only a musical revival, but also a vibrant tribute to our cultural and historical heritage. This ambitious project would not have been possible without the support and involvement of the R.U.M.E.S.M. Our warmest thanks to them.”

Arnold (Mettet parish priest): “I’m delighted to be able to say this. The rebirth of the organ in our church means that a magnificent instrument has been given a new lease of life, to the delight of the parishioners and the general public. “

The inauguration of an organ is always a celebration! And it was an exceptional evening that took place yesterday in Mettet. It was a moment of vibrant emotion led by the performance of internationally renowned organist Hampus Lindwall, who inaugurated with talent, inspiration and passion this musical treasure that has just been (re)born in the heart of the Saint-Jean Baptiste church in Mettet, which has also been recently renovated.

For the record, just after the war, when many of our church towers had lost their bells, it was the R.U.M.E.S.M Club and its president, Jules Tacheny, who gave the first bell to the church in Mettet.
