RUMESM, short for Royal Union Motor Entre Sambre et Meuse, is the organizing club for the races held at the Circuit of Mettet.
It was founded in the 1920s, alongside the first motorcycle races. Among its founders were the three grandsons of the painter Félicien Rops: Jacques, Philippe, and Jean Rops. By 1930, the club was named UMESM (Union Motor de l’Entre Sambre et Meuse).
In 1946, after the war, Jules Tacheny, a rider from the club, was elected president of UMESM, as it was then known. His motto was always to innovate and make the circuit more attractive. Throughout his life, he carried out major developments to achieve this.
In 1952, His Majesty the King granted the club the Royal title, making it the Royal Union Motor de l’Entre Sambre et Meuse, or RUMESM.
Freddy Tacheny, the third son of Jules and president of RUMESM since 2017, continues his father’s work. He tirelessly strives to innovate and make the races ever more exciting for the delight of the public.
Join the Friends of RUMESM:
Becoming a member of RUMESM is simple. Just complete the membership form and pay your fee via IBAN BE71 8335 7016 6569 (mentioning your name, surname, and “member 2025”). Once the form is completed and the payment is received, your membership card will be sent to you. Depending on the membership option you choose, you will also receive the corresponding benefits.