RUMESM centenary OLD

RUMESM centenary OLD

In 2023, the Royal Union Motor Entre Sambre et Meuse (RUMESM) launches a five-year period of festivities. An atypical and creative way to celebrate its centenary, paying homage to the past while setting its sights on the future. Five years of festivities await you! “2023 seems to be the starting date for this adventure, but there is some doubt. Several stages may have been completed between 1923 and 1927, when the club was recognized by the Belgian Motorcyclists’ Union. So as not to complicate things and to get as many people involved as possible, we’ll be doing a centenary over five years,” smiles Freddy Tacheny, president of RUMESM.

In addition to the Circuit’s activities and events, such as the Superbiker and other events, the RUMESM has drawn up a program of highlights to punctuate daily life in Mettet. A new paddock will be inaugurated in 2023. In November, a magnificent organ will be presented to the public, which was in a state of disrepair in the Mettet church, and whose renovation was paid for by the Club. In 2024, the club’s original discipline, motorcycles, will be honored with a major event.

A new building will be unveiled in 2025, “a real estate project that is close to our hearts”. It will also be an opportunity to relive the Circuit’s history with a collector’s book entitled “100 Years, 100 Photos”. 2025, the epicenter of the festivities, will also see the organization of a gala evening. 2026 will be the year dedicated to Cars, before 2027 is devoted to Bikes, Electric Vehicles and the future of mobility. It’s a way of “showcasing every facet of the circuit”, which is always on the lookout for innovation.

For five years, Mettet will pay tribute to its brilliant past, while deploying the tools that will make its future: that of a multi-disciplinary, multi-modal training center. Mettet has always been a club that has done everything: motorcycles, bikes, cars, electrics… It’s a compendium of everything that’s mobile,” says Freddy Tacheny, looking to the future. In parallel with the Belgian Motorcycle Academy, which prepares future champions and which will be launched in Mettet in 2020, our Club will continue to invest to enable everyone to learn more and more about driving and mobility, in complete safety and in a field that is resolutely focused on this objective. This is our primary vocation, our leitmotiv!”